DARPA (BTO): Rapid Inhibitor Discovery and Development pipeLine (RIDDL)

קרןUS Department of Defense
סוגResearch Grants
תאריך אחרון20/12/2024
פקולטהEngineering, Exact Sciences, Life Sciences, Medicine

The Rapid Inhibitor Discovery and Development pipeLine (RIDDL) program explicitly seeks transformative approaches that enable the rapid discovery, design, and development of novel inhibitors with enhanced activity, specificity, utility, and potency for gene editing technologies.

Of particular interest are commonly used gene editors such as Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR)-CRISPR associated proteins (CRISPR-Cas) nucleases; gene editing technologies beyond CRISPR-Cas systems are also of interest to keep pace with the rapidly advancing field and promote the safe, controlled use of these technologies.



Funding: no fixed limit 

Duration: 30 months 



Research Authority due date: 12.12.24

קבצים מצורפים
עדכון אחרוןעדכון אחרון: 26/11/2024
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