Decarbonization and Energy Virtual Institute (DEVI)

קרןSchmidt Sciences' Climate Institute
סוגResearch Grants
תאריך אחרון14/02/2025
פקולטהEngineering, Exact Sciences, Law, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, Museum of Natural History

The Decarbonization and Energy Virtual Institute (DEVI) is an initiative of Schmidt Sciences’ Climate Institute to advance the methodological frontier of decarbonization modeling by addressing key knowledge gaps in complex interdependencies of decarbonization pathways, with an emphasis on yielding actionable insights for policy and technology deployment strategies. 

The initiative offers 2 funding tracks: 

a) sectoral modeling efforts up to USD 3 million over 5 years

b) economy-wide modeling efforts on coupling models from different sectors and scales


Funding: Track (a) $3,000,000 total; Track (b) $10,000,000 total  

Duration: 5 years



Research Authority due date: 9.2.25

EOI (required) due date: 14.2.25

Full proposal due date: TBD

קבצים מצורפים
עדכון אחרוןעדכון אחרון: 20/01/2025
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