ARIA: Scalable Neural Interfaces: Opportunity seeds

קרןInnovate UK
סוגPilot Grants, Research Grants
תאריך אחרון13/02/2025
פקולטהEngineering, Exact Sciences, Life Sciences, Medicine, Social Sciences

ARIA are looking to fund bold ideas within the Scalable Neural Interfaces opportunity space, which asks if we can transform our understanding of neurological disorders by interfacing in new ways – at scale – with the human brain.


The primary focus will be on funding those who are based in the UK or those willing to conduct all or part of the project from the UK. However, funding will be available to applicants outside the UK if we believe the proposed project can significantly benefit the UK.

It is expected that 10 grants will be awarded. 



Funding: £500,000 total 

Duration: 3 years



Research Authority due date: 23.2.25

קבצים מצורפים
עדכון אחרוןעדכון אחרון: 09/12/2024
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