MRF Breakthrough Consortium (MRFBC) Team Award

קרןMelanoma Research Foundation
סוגResearch Grants, Partnership Activities
תאריך אחרון15/01/2025
פקולטהLife Sciences, Medicine

The purpose of this grant is to promote translational melanoma research opportunities to principal investigators (PI) who are from an MRFBC institution. (A list of participating MRFBC institutions can be found here.)

Applications must be focused on translational melanoma research of cutaneous or rare subtypes such as ocular, mucosal, pediatric and acral lentiginous melanomas.



Funding: $125,000 per year for all partners

Duration: 2 years



Research Authority due date: 8.1.25

קבצים מצורפים
עדכון אחרוןעדכון אחרון: 05/12/2024
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