NEXT – Quantum Biology

קרןVolkswagen Foundation
סוגResearch Grants, Partnership Activities
תאריך אחרון11/02/2025
פקולטהEngineering, Exact Sciences, Life Sciences, Medicine

This call aims to enhance the scientific understanding of the fundamental mechanisms underlying quantum effects in biological systems. 

The Foundation invites interdisciplinary collaborative research teams to experimentally validate theoretical hypotheses, thereby increasing the acceptance and recognition of the biological significance of quantum effects. 


Proposals will be accepted from Interdisciplinary teams of 2-4 Applicants. PI must be faculty at a German institution.



Funding: €2,000,000 total 

Duration: 5 years



Research Authority due date: 4.2.25

קבצים מצורפים
שיתוף פעולהGermany
עדכון אחרוןעדכון אחרון: 28/11/2024
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