Investigating Mitochondrial-Nuclear Communication in AD/ ADRD (R01)

קרןNational Institute on Aging/NIH
סוגResearch Grants
תאריך אחרון07/11/2024
פקולטהLife Sciences, Medicine

This grant invites applications that investigate mitochondrial-nuclear communication in the context of neurobiology and Alzheimer's disease (AD) and AD-related dementias (AD/ADRD). This research will transform our understanding of how mitochondrially derived metabolites can impact nuclear gene expression and how changes to nuclear function can impact mitochondrial activity.


Funding: no fixed limit 

Duration: 5 years



Research Authority due date: 29.9.24

LOI (encouragedf) due date: 7.10.24

Full proposal due date: 7.11.24

קבצים מצורפים
עדכון אחרוןעדכון אחרון: 02/09/2024
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