Solar Radiation Management

קרןSimons Foundation
סוגResearch Grants, Seminars
תאריך אחרון30/09/2024
פקולטהEngineering, Exact Sciences, Life Sciences

The Simons Foundation has launched an international collaborative research program designed to fill fundamental scientific knowledge gaps relevant to Solar Radiation Management.

Priority areas for this call include:

  • Environmentally benign materials discovery for SAI and CCT.
  • Laboratory physicochemical characterization of SAI and CCT materials and their interactions with light, clouds, atmospheric trace gases and with themselves or ambient aerosols, with the aim to improve microphysical inputs to existing climate models.
  • Approaches to minimize cirrus cloud formation, including from aircraft emissions.
  • Assessments of near-field (<100 km) atmospheric turbulence and its impact on SAI and CCT interventions, primarily through modeling.
  • Integration of improved representations of aerosols and turbulence into global-scale modeling, and characterization of global and regional impacts of novel materials for SAI and CCT.



Funding: $500,000 per year 

Duration: 3 years



Research Authority due date: 23.9.24

LOI (required) due date: 30.9.24

Full proposal due date: 27.2.25

קבצים מצורפים
עדכון אחרוןעדכון אחרון: 08/08/2024
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